For bare porous unpainted masonry substrates such as lime plaster, stone, pebbledash & concrete.
For masonry substrates with previous masonry paint application.
Painting dining chairs or just one accent chair is really easy, and it’s one paint transformation that will have a huge impact on your décor, adding a splash of colour to your scheme. There are loads of online tutorials offering tips and advice for painting or upcycling furniture. But if you’re new to furniture painting, it can seem a little overwhelming! Here we answer some of the most common questions about painting furniture, and in our video we show how easy it is to paint a chair.
Before you begin, check your chair is in good condition with no broken seat pads or wonky legs. Provided it’s sturdy and sound, it’ll be good for painting! Then check the surface of your chair. If it’s shiny or has been previously painted, we’d suggest lightly sanding before painting. This isn’t always necessary but the better prepared your surface the easier the paint will stick. If it’s bare wood, a light sanding will help to smooth any bumps in the wood. Or if the chair is old like ours, give it a thorough clean and scrub with wire wool. Work outside (if it’s sunny!) or in a well ventilated area when sanding and wear a mask.
There are loads of furniture paints on the market: gloss, milk paints, emulsions, chalk paints and acrylics. Which do you choose? Look for the Ecolabel and ask yourself which finish you prefer. We have two types of paint that are ideal for painting furniture which both odour-free, water-based and most importantly come with Ecolabel approval. The difference is the finish:
Painting a chair with Earthborn paints couldn’t be easier. Whichever paint you use, we’d suggest diluting the first coat with water to act as a primer and provide the perfect base coat. Simply pour your paint into a clean pot, adding around 1 part water to 9 parts paint and mix. To paint the legs, turn your chair upside down with the seat on a table or desk. When it’s dry you can turn it back to paint everywhere else. The diluted paint will make it easier to reach all those awkward areas.
Follow this with a second full coat of paint. If you’re using Earthborn Eggshell, be sure to paint in smooth strokes taking care not to ‘over brush’ as the paint dries. Or if you prefer a textured finish or effect, apply Eco Chic Claypaint in different directions like our farmhouse style chair. In this tutorial we used Rosie Posie in Eco Chic Claypaint, followed by a coat of Earthborn Furniture Wax. When dry, buff the wax with a soft cloth for added protection and a beautiful finish.
Have you painted any furniture with Earthborn paints? We love to see your projects so share your pictures with us Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.