Wallpaper Paste
A high quality wallpaper paste that is safer, healthier and more pleasant to use.

All you need to know about Wallpaper Paste
Earthborn water soluble Wallpaper Paste is both acrylic and solvent free. It is made from non toxic, non allergenic methyl cellulose and is also free from fungicides, preservatives and synthetic resins.
Its excellent adhesive properties are not disadvantaged by its purity. Earthborn Wallpaper Paste makes a great job of any wallpaper, including heavily textured and fabric wall coverings.
Sizes 100g & 500g
Colours on screen may vary from actual paint. Slight variations in colour can occur between batches and finishes; the substrate and texture of the surface can also change the appearance of the final colour, as can lighting.
Advice is given in good faith but without warranty as methods of application and site conditions are outside of our control.